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To: PigMaster
Subject: RE: My Facebook Conversation Started and Ended
Date: Sat 08 Aug 2015 10:36 AM

I have no way to cross confirm my Facebook identity with my
profile identity except for this process. I realize it was
not allowed -- but then again I had a different purpose in
mind.  Thank you for your referral up the chain to your

What was noted in the Facebook conversation image snapshot
which in fact already in that conversation, is now being
applied here.  Thank you for also forwarding this upward.

====  This applies to the Facebook Conversation only ====

Is there anything in this address that is CONFUSING or
MISLEADING ? -- it should not be.  If so, here is my

The Kramobone Phone  720-446-7044
locaated at:
Awsome Kramobone Glows And Blows Playroom
1005 Washington Street, Apt 112
Denver CO  80203

PigMaster wrote:

>I removed the facebook posting from your profile,
>as it is not allowed to be on there. As for the
>rest of your email I am not sure what you are
>talking about. I will leave this here for a


Kramobone wrote:

>I am submitting a photo into my account that I do
>not wish to be approved upon my community
> It is to confirm that this Facebook conversation
>exists and it is this account that created it.  I
>would appreciate a reply back and to why  I
>not get a reply back is disheartening in general.
>That is sorry to say.  Maybe you have not fully
>read to complete understanding and will reopen
>that Facebook channel dialogue at a later date. 
>It would be nice to have had that reply before
>placed the facebook filter control into place. 
> } Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1;
>rv:39.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/39.0


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