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To: denvertopbb
Subject: Someone should actually nominate me
Date: Thu 09 Jul 2015 03:45 AM

for a community award for the dastardly deeds 
done to be -- for just being me at all times and in all

that others find --- for your lack of it --- STRESSFULL
when actually it is 

    B E A U T I F U L

Dearest Steve,

As of right this moment, you are not welcome to drop in
without annocounment such as been the case.  Reason being
simple.  I told you SPECIFICALLY that I would be wanting to
make an arrnagement to the DATE that we can BEGIN a 
nice calm collected and chemically free burden of a time.

The PRIORTY of that time is BEFORE the next SEXUAL
explorations of our experinces.

If you can't handle this change -- don't come back here.

I am very serious.  I only wish to deal with every single
person 100% real --- 

You either knew you were not coming back when you left out
the door ---  and did not say goodbye.

Goodbye Vs. See Ya Later  -- -

I am saying GOODBYE right here and now.

See Ya later means -- we already know the time will see
each other.... Later.  

#1 thing has to occur.  You have to provide me a date/time
you would like to come back to place all of the events and
happenings into a complete ideals discussion.  I asked for
that to be on your available of events within your life. 
Whatever that is, I will make that accomidation.

#2 : I asked for your email address -- -I do not see that
you left it -- Therefore this is an offense by major
poritions. DO NOT RING MY INTERCOM -- and NEVER come back
if you are not willing to provide thesw things to me here
BEFORE you go to sleep.

#3: That discussion meeting must be made to an completion
and understanding that offeres it to be CLOSED and whatever
matters to be placed for a NBXT MEETING discussion and
scheduled on the caldenar. Failure to attend this meeting,
beyond 911 Type EMERGENCY conditions within your life ---
will create a breakage that you cannot come back to my
place ever -- -because  you are NOT BEING AN

    One Bad Makes All Look Bad
    A Warnings Against Deception and Dishonesty

You have a charcter trait here -- that I NEED A COMPLETE
UNDERSTANDING t o why these basic element requests from me,
as the owner here of my space upon my guests.

Thank you Kindly OhKindSir for an understanding

Call me Real ---  Call me Real Up -- and Call me Real Up

This is it!    This is not a game that I am playing.



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